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Writer's pictureAshley Anderson

A Threefold Cord

A person is whole and strong when they have a healthy spiritual life with Jesus Christ, and

the cord of their mental, emotional, and physical health is not easily broken.

As I walked in this journey of physical health, God began to infiltrate me and show me that this walk in my health wasn't a section of my life that was separated from Jesus but a piece that God was all in and wanted to use for His glory.

If you are struggling in your health and you just don't understand why God won't just heal you the way you want to be healed or how the last person got healed, lean in a little closer.

He is trying to speak to you in a deeper way. This way is going to come against your flesh but will lead you into a deeper relationship with your King, one that will blow your mind and you never thought you could have.

1 Corinthians 3:16-17 Colossians 3:23 3 John 1:2 1 Timothy 4:8

TFSx Ashley Anderson


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