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Writer's pictureThe Found Sheep


Updated: May 3, 2022

After being tested in the wilderness, Jesus heard John the Baptist was imprisoned. He left Nazareth, lived in Capernaum, and began preaching. Walking by the Sea of Galilee, He saw two fishermen, Simon whose name He later changed to Peter, and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake.

"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." At once they left their nets and followed him. From there, Jesus saw two other fishermen in the boat with their father, preparing their nets for the day’s catch. Jesus called the Zebedee brothers by name. “James, John, He said, “come, follow me”. They immediately left all behind and their father followed.

After the last supper, Jesus took Peter, James, and John along with Him to gethsemane. “Stay here and keep watch,” He said, “my soul is overwhelmed to the point of death”. Jesus left them, fell to His knees, and started praying. When he returned, He found the disciples sleeping.

Even disciples of Christ stray from Jesus’ instructions at times. Sometimes, we revert to our ancestors’ characteristics in the desert. We fall back into our fleshly needs instead of seeing through what Jesus asked of us like the Israelites did when they noticed Moses was taking too long in returning from Mount Sinai.

“Keep watch,” Jesus said to Peter, James, and John. Sleep crept on them while Jesus was away.

A lot is said about the coming and the return of the Lord. The bible teaches us of the creation, man’s fall, the son of God, the sacrifice, the crucifixion, resurrection, and the return of the Lord. Every scripture, written for us to have hope and prepare for what lies ahead because only the Father knows the day and hour of His final return.

“Keep watch”, Jesus commanded his disciples.

Upon his return, he found Peter, James, and John asleep.

The Found Sheep


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